Lady Readalot’s Library

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Book Nerd

I am truly a book nerd, I'm not going to lie. I love the smell of books, going into a bookstore in the prospect of buying a new book, and snuggling down with a blanket to read that book. I have always been that way. I can remember getting excited about new book orders coming out at school when I was a kid. Ok, I still get excited about book orders, my girls come home with them and we order every month.

As much as I love a hard copy of a book, I absolutely love my Kindle. My husband bought me one for my 30th birthday last year. At first I wasn't sure how much I would like it, I mean it is different than actually holding a book in your hand. However, I adjusted just fine. I now go back and forth between a book book and the kindle books. I am truly convinced I can read a book faster with my Kindle, don't ask me why.

Anyway, being the book nerd that I am, I don't just have one book in the reading realm I usually have multiple books on the back burner to read. I just can't help it! I buy a book or two and add them to the pile then read something else and then buy a couple more books. Did that even make sense? I'm sure you know what I mean. Right now I think I have at least 15 new books waiting for me to crack them open. That's not even counting the ones I had previously owned. Oh well, I will get to them all eventually. Funny thing is my literacy coach at school told the ELA teachers today that she just received a huge shipment of new books and wants us to take some home over the summer to read. Ok, my pleasure, you don't have to tell me twice!!! More books for the pile!!

I haven't gotten too far into The Red Pyramid yet, but I would like to suggest a series of books. they are called The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins. There are five books in the series starting with Gregor the Overlander. This book had been sitting on my book shelves at school for years and I had never read it. Awhile back it caught my eye, mainly because I had read another book by the author. I became hooked, I read the other four pretty quickly and then started reading them outloud to my two classes. One of my classes just started the final book today and have become deeply invested in the characters. The series is science fiction, basically the stories take place in a world deep under the surface of the earth. In this world, lives giant rats, cockroaches, bats, mice, spiders, and of course humans (human-size not giant sized). A boy from New York City, Gregor and his two-year old sister, Boots, fall through a grate in their laundry room to this underland. Gregor becomes the humans' "warrior" and helps them through many sticky situations.

I know I am not doing the series enough justice. I just don't want to give too much away. I know the idea of giant cockroaches, rats, and bats may seem like a strange series to get excited about, but truly the series is wonderful. My friend at school told me the book had the three things she most hated (bats, rats, and spiders) and she still really liked the book. If you choose to gve the series a try, let me know what you think.

That's it for tonight, The Vampire Diaries, will be on soon. Maybe I shouldn't admit I watch it. Oh well, HAPPY READING!


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